Trailsweepers membership benefits include:
- Participation in skiing, other sporting activities and social events across the entire year
- Discount lift tickets
- Attendance at club meetings which frequently include informational programs across a broad range of topics
- Ski trips to U.S. and European locations
- Local merchant discounts for ski-related merchandise
- Participation in trips and other events hosted by our sister organization, The Hudson Valley Ski Club
New membership applicants are requested to complete the enclosed 2 page application and liability waiver and return it along with a check for annual dues at the appropriate amount to the address listed on the form.
Click here to access a membership application .
TSSC club dues are as follows: $ 28.00 per person.
Dues for returning members are to be paid by October 1 each year.
Those paying prior to the due date shall be entitled to a $2.00 early payment discount
New Members joining after March 1 and before June 1 will have their dues credited to their next year’s membership
Renewing members may send a check made out to TSSC to:
TSSC Membership
P.O. Box 3061
Kingston, NY 12402